第37回宇宙線国際会議(ICRC2021)(オンライン開催)で招待講演(Highlight Talk)1件と15件の発表を行いました。
2021年7月12日から2021年7月23日にかけて行われた、第37回宇宙線国際会議(ICRC2021)(オンライン開催)で招待講演(Highlight Talk)1件と15件の発表を行いました。
- New Results from the first 5 years of CALET observations on the International Space Station (Highlight Talk) - Pier S. Marrocchesi
- Precise Measurement of the Cosmic-Ray Electron and Positron Spectrum with CALET on the International Space Station (Oral) - Shoji Torii
- The analysis strategy for the measurement of the electron flux with CALET on the International Space Station (Poster) - Eugenio Berti
- Investigating the Vela SNR's Emission of Electron Cosmic Rays with CALET at the International Space Station (Poster) - Holger Motz
- Extended measurement of the proton spectrum with CALET on the International Space Station (Oral) - Kazuyoshi Kobayashi
- Measurement of the energy spectrum of cosmic-ray helium with CALET on the International Space Station (Oral) - Paolo Brogi
- Energy spectra of carbon and oxygen cosmic rays with CALET on the International Space Station (Oral) - Paolo Maestro
- Measurement of the secondary-to-primary cosmic-ray ratios with CALET on the International Space Station (Oral) - Yosui Akaike
- Measurement of the iron spectrum with CALET on the International Space Station (Oral) - Francesco Stolzi
- Progress on Ultra-Heavy Cosmic-Ray Analysis with CALET on the International Space Station (Poster) - Wolfgang Zober
- Ultra-Heavy Cosmic Ray Analysis with CALET on the International Space Station: Established and Developing Procedures (Poster) - Anthony Ficklin
- High-energy gamma-ray observations above 10 GeV with CALET on the International Space Station (Oral) - Masaki Mori
- Low-energy gamma-ray observations above 1 GeV with CALET on the International Space Station (Poster) - Nick Cannady
- Gamma-ray burst observation & gravitational wave event follow-up with CALET on the International Space Station (Poster) - Yuta Kawakubo
- Solar Modulation During the Descending Phase of Solar Cycle 24 Observed with CALET on the International Space Station (Oral) - Shoko Miyake
- Relativistic Electron Precipitation Observations with CALET on the International Space Station (Poster) - Alessandro Bruno